Wednesday, January 25, 2017

First Day Dinner in PSROC

People from NTHUIOA was having delicious dinner  together at the first night of PSROC.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Kevin, Yihan, and Tetsuya reported their results at PSROC meeting in 淡水。Great job!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Allison Man's Talk

Allison Man visited NTHU on 3rd January.
Allison is an ESO fellow, she studies evolution of massive galaxies.

Massive galaxies have 10^11 Msun at z=2 and 2x10^11 Msun at z=0, SFR < 10 and today they are ellipticals; but in the past they were something else.
Allison talked about the possible mechanisms that can explain early quenching in massive galaxies.
These are: 1) AGN feedback, 2) Halo quenching, 3) Morphological quenching.
Recent observations suggest that morphological quenching is not favourable anymore.